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Scope of Practice

1. Screening, assessing and applying clinical reasoning to ensure the safety and appropriateness of exercise and physical activity interventions, which includes conducting tests of physiological measures including but not limited to, the use of ECG instrumentation and spirometry;

2. Assessing movement capacity in people of all ages and levels of health, well-being or fitness;

3. Development of safe, effective individualised exercise interventions to increase exercise capacity and assist in the treatment and management of chronic medical conditions;

4. Provision of health education, advice and support to enhance health and well-being inside all cultural backgrounds and to people with psychological barriers to exercise;

5. Provision of exercise intervention and education regarding the effect of exercise on health, comorbidities and longevity for those at risk of developing a chronic condition or injury;

6. Provision of clinical exercise prescription, for those with existing chronic and complex medical conditions and injuries;

7. Provision of exercise-based rehabilitation and advice for patients following the acute stage of injury, surgical intervention, or during recovery to restore functional capacity and well-being; and

8. The above tasks may occur at any level of primary, secondary or tertiary health care, and may include work at an individual, community or population health level through various employers or industries.

9. Maintain communication with relevant health professionals, refer to and work with other health care professionals.

10. Meet continued professional development requirements (refer CPD tab).

11. Hold a current cardiopulmonary resuscitation certificate and a current first aid certificate.

12. Comply with relevant Acts and statues such as the Privacy Act (1993) and Health & Safety Act (1992) and its code of practice.

N.B. The above Scope of Practice has been amalgamated from governing bodies SESNZ and CEPNZ with the intention to honour both standards.


Continued practice development

To ensure currency of knowledge and experience.

Continued practice is governed by CEPNZ, professional development and professional accountability requirements.

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