PhysioFit believes everyone has the right to full function; Therefore we aim to improve quality of life in those with a chronic conditions- injury related or health specific.
We respect that wellness is not just about pathology. We understand that full function and quality of life are terms that are not synonymous with physical wellbeing.
With that said we aim to support you too achieve goals that are defined by you. We intend to establish a team of clinical whanāu/multidisciplinary agents when required and to work collaboratively.
An Exercise Physiologist (EP) is an allied health professional specializing in the prescription of exercise for the management of an existing or risk to health conditions. An EP tailors evidence based recommendations inside specialized programmes to help speed up recovery, minimize the potential to re-injure and to see optimal function within all levels of activity and sport performance.
Exercise is Medicine®: A Global Health Initiative
Exercise is Medicine® (EIM), a global health initiative managed by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), encourages primary care physicians and other health care providers to include physical activity when designing treatment plans and to refer patients to evidence-based exercise programs and qualified exercise professionals.
EIM is committed to the belief that physical activity promotes optimal health, is integral in the prevention and treatment of many medical conditions, and should be regularly assessed and included as part of health care.